Monday 28 March 2011



      berdasrkan TITLE di atas korang sure tau kan mimi nak cite pasal apa...tah la ari ni rasa ari yg sangat2 panas..ari ni saja mimi berpeluh utk mengelakkan ketidakselesaan, mimi telah mengambil satu tindakan..terasa cam nak g bunuh org plak..dramatik sngt..hehe.k smbng mimi dgn rasa besar atinye g ambik ketulan ais yg besar2 dan masukkan ke dalam air..nak tau knapa??sbenarnya mimi nak guna air berais tu untuk mandi..ahhha mmg mimi gla terutamanya bila ari panas nih..slps selesai mandi berais..badan rasa la sejuk yg menyedihkan ialah badan masih berasa panas kerana kesejukan tadi hnya lahg sementara..huhu tersangat lah sedih...itu saja yg mimi nak share utk ari ni..bye..
rasanye panas cam ni kot..hehe Mr.Sun pn pakai spek

thanx 4 reading this entry..jmpa lg kay

Friday 11 March 2011


           semenjak dua menjak ni mimi jd semakin rajin nak salin recipe drp buku masakan la simple2 la kan..kalau yg special tu tnggu la lagi brapa taun..jadi sebagai permulaan mimi nak kongsi 1 recipe..tak tau la kalau2 korang semua dh ada dh recipe ni tapi tak kira gak mimi nak jg share ngan korang semua...
recipe utk ari ini chef la plak kan..eheheh

                     TAT LIMAU
bahan-bahan utk pastri:
3/4 cawan mentega(unsalted tau)
1/2 cawan gula kastor
1/2 sudu kecil esen vanila
13/4 cawan tepung serba guna
garam secukup rasa

bahan-bahan utk isian:

4 biji limau nipis
11/2 cawan gula
100gm mentega(unsalted jgk)
4 biji telur
garam secukup rasa

Untuk buat pastri:
1.mentega,gula kastor,tepung serba guna,garam n esen vanila perlu digaul sehingga sebati dan diterapkan ke acuan pai serta disejukkan selama 45 minit di dlm peti sejuk
2.selepas disejukkan,pastri tersebut bolehla dibakar selama 20 minit dan sibiarkan sejuk

Untuk buat inti: 
1.perahkan limau nipis
2.sagatkan kulit limau nipis dan disatukan bersama gula lalu dikisar.selesai dikisar,campurkan mentega dan digaul sehingga sebati n gebu.kemudian masukkan telur satu persatu
3.kemudian masukkan air perhan limau tadi bersama garam
4.tuang adunan dlm kuali dan kacau sehingga pekat
5.tuangkan isian tadi ke atas pastri dan dibiarkan mengeras di dalam peti sejuk

                           pic dari uncle google...

dan ini lah hasilnya..selamat mencuba
 nnt mimi akan kongsi resepi lain plak ok..bye

tq 4 reading this entry

Wednesday 9 March 2011

CrAviNg for....

          Ari ni mimi nak berkongsi apa yg paling mimi idam2 kan buat masa skarang ni iaitu...ANKLE BOOT...ha tgk2..kan mimi guna font besar siap ngan highlight lg maknanye mmg gila2 nak buat masa skrng ni boleh la craving je sbb masih tak sesuai utk mimi la kaki besar gedabak cam ne la nak pakai kan..hahah apa la tak pe one day i surely can wear it i'll be proud to show off...hahah ada ke org niat cam tu..apa2 je mai sini cek nak cita la sikit pasal ankle boot ni..ankle boot ni kebanyakan artis barat la yg bnyk pakai..antaranya Victoria Beckham,Julia Robert,Milla Jovovich,Anne Hathaway,n Sandra Bullock...

Ankle Boot:
These are the most widely-worn style of fashion boots, usually under pants. Ankle boots are also the only type of fashion boot commonly worn by both men and women, and the only one to have remained popular without a break since the 19th Century. They vary in length from booties or shoe boots (effectively a shoe that skims the ankle to boots that cover the lower part of the calf.
                     pic courtesy by Mr.Google
selain ankle boot ada boot2 lain..such as:

Calf-length Boot:  

Because the top of this boot hits the curve of the leg at the widest point of the calf it is regarded by stylists as particularly challenging to wear; even average legs can look fat.For this reason, calf-length boots are usually worn under pants or with long skirts that cover the top of the boot.

                          pic courtesy by Mr.Google

Knee-length Boot:
                        pic courtesy by Mr.Google

Thigh-length Boot:

Also known as over-the-knee boots or cuissardes, these boots were originally worn by men in the 16th - 18th Centuries to protect the legs while riding before being adapted as a fashion item for women in the 1960s. They are considered provocative because of their association with the sex industry and so have had patchy mainstream acceptance. Even when popular, a combination of one or more features such as lower heels, softer materials (e.g. suede), muted colors, and avoidance of skin exposure (by wearing over pants, leggings, or opaque hose) was usually employed to avoid the so-called "pretty women" effect.
                            pic courtesy by Mr.Google

thats all for today..if u guys have information to share about boots or want to add anything about boot that u know don't be shy to send your comment to me,,thanx for ready this entry...see u guys my next entry

Tuesday 8 March 2011

introducing me

Sebenarnya tujuan mimi buat blog ni adalah utk share anything that i have with others..selain tu nak kongsi tips,favourite,hobby n many more for introduction mimi nak cite la sedikit sebanyak psl myself..hope u guys real name is nursharmimi n i'm 18 years old this coming april..i have 2 little sister and i'm the older..i live with my gramma since i was 2 month...what i like the most is KOREAN..i think i cant like without school my frenz usually call me a korean freak but i does not stop me than continue liking korean..i'm kinda a gud listener(i think..hehehe)..u guys need some advice bout anything just ask me i will try my best to help u...i think thats all bout my self...hehehehe....